Changan Philippines
  • Strategy
  • Concept
  • Writing
  • Video

Driving change with you.

Changan, a car brand with a 158-year history, has finally arrived in the Philippines, with the goal of winning the trust of its target audience by offering exceptional and innovative products at affordable prices.

 Despite being a newcomer in the Philippine automotive industry, Changan has a proven track record of success in other markets. The challenge now is to effectively introduce the brand to a market that has a strong affinity towards other well-known car brands.

This is where we come in. Along with Changan, these are our project objectives:

  • Collaborate with a variety of motoring media influencers to produce a series of videos that effectively showcase Changan’s brand personality.
  • Create a compelling video series that highlights Changan’s range of new, innovative, and affordable products to inform and engage viewers.
  • Develop a comprehensive strategy to increase Changan’s brand awareness and effectively convert that awareness into a pipeline of potential customers.
  • Ernest Montilla
  • Jerome Dawis
  • Jerome Dawis
  • Joshua Del Rosario
Camera Operators
  • CJ Villanueva
  • Marvin Bautista
Production Manager
  • Charmaine Alday
Sound Operator
  • Jared Acuna
Video Editors
  • Jau Arellano
  • Kurt Abrahan

Changan Drive Out Trailer

Changan Philippines

Episode 1

Changan Drive Out

Episode 2

Changan Drive Out

Episode 3

Changan Drive Out

Episode 4

Changan Drive Out

Episode 5

Changan Drive Out

Episode 6

Changan Drive Out

Behind the Scenes

The Outcome

The Changan Drive Out campaign has been a huge success, generating 936,312 views, reaching 1,840,493 people, and resulting in 2,954 engagements over the course of three months. Thanks to the campaign, Changan’s brand awareness has significantly increased, leading to a boost in sales.
